Friday, August 31, 2007

Best Belgian Cuisine

Belgian restaurants have a standard of excellence in food second to one.  Service on the other hand is something to be rewarded if ever found...  Enjoy your meal, may the ambiance be gezellig.  Be patient.  After your food, you will not see your waiter for at least 45 min to an hour.  Getting the bill or desert may take some time.  Order a second bottle of wine when they drop off your food and enjoy relaxed dining.  You've rented the table for the entire evening!
Frites and Moules are the Belgian national dish.  Find some good Waterzooie or Crevette Gris and you'll be happy.  My pick for best of Brussels for authentic Belgian cuisine is Au Vieux Bruxelles, in Ixelles near the Porte de Namur metro stop (Rue Saint-Boniface 35, B-1050 Brussels; Tel: 02.503.31.11).

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